Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Other Woman

Her name is Garmin "sita" and she saved our marriage. Usually the "other woman" destroys marriages, but not this one.

I must have some kind of mental block when it comes to directions, although I have noticed some family members who have issues with directions also. Maybe it is an inherited disability. Bruce just thinks I don't pay attention. I kind of like that reason because that leaves room for improvement. Years ago when we took flying lessons and I had to read charts, Bruce thought that my map reading skills had improved. I probably got good at it because I didn't want to crash into a radio tower or a tree. Driving around you just get lost and have to turn around a few times. No biggy!!! No pressure!!!

With Garmin "sita" we just push her buttons and she tells us where to go. She is sometimes wrong herself, which is even better because then I can blame our wrong turn on her. Instead of Bruce and me telling each other to go to !#@%, we let Garmin "sita" tell us where to go!!


  1. lolol... Are there any male GPS voices ? just curious..Maybe no one would listen to a male giving directions.
